Syracuse Linux Users Group
Meetings - Steering Committee - June 10th, 2006 Minutes
Presentation Ideas
- IPv6, setting up a server, protocols, RSS and Atom feeds, overview of KDE and Gnome, copy/cut/paste mini-presentation.
- We should put our presentation ideas on the web site to encourage volunteers to come forward.
New SyrLUG Server
- Scott Brady and Jym Williams Zavada will get together and finish setting up the new server.
- Once the new serve is in place Scott Brady, Mark Hyde, Dave Soergel and perhaps others will sit down for a review session on how the server is set up.
Command line corner
- Most of Mike Miller's talks are of an appropriate length. Only occasionally do his presentations run long. Scott Brady will contact Mike and give him our feedback.
Main Presentations
- We don't put a lower bound on the length of presentations, only an upper bound of around an hour. If someone wants to give a 30 minute main presentation we won't turn them away.
July Install and Config Fest
- The July Fest will be moved to July 15th to allow CNYPCUG members to sign-up after the July 10th Linux presentation by Scott Brady.
Departure of Jym Williams Zavada
- Jym is leaving for greener pastures in North Carolina. We discussed possible replacements and and the future direction of the group.
- Moving forward we'd like to focus more on tasks rather than positions. Scott Brady and Jym will assemble a list of tasks that are required to run the group. We will publish the task list on the web site and ask for volunteers to help with specific items.