Survey Results from December 1, 1999

Number of Surveys tallied: 25

Heard About SLUG Via: Count
Al Fasoldt (Radio or TV or Newspaper) 11
CNYPCUG (CNY PC User Group) 4
Mike Wierowski 3
Newsgroups (linux.twcny.rr) 2
Blank 2
General knowledge 1
E-mail 1
Don't remember 1
Currently using Linux? Count
Yes 19
No 5
Sort of 1
Which Distribution? Count
RedHat 4
RedHat 6.1 3
RedHat 5.2 3
Mandrake 2
Mandrake 6.1 2
RedHat 6.0 2
S.u.S.e 6.0 1
Caldera 2.3 1
Mandrake 6.0 1
Slackware 1
Caldera 2.2 1
Is the Linux system your primary Computer Count
No 12
Yes 7
Is the meeting location easy to get to? Count
Yes 32
No 1
Did you attend one or both of the first 2 meetings? Count
Yes 20
No 5
Is the current meeting format ok? Count
Yes 21
No 1
Would you like SLUG to become a non-profit organisation? Count
Yes 21
No 1
What is your current knowledge of Linux? Count
Novice 20
Intermediate 5
Is the meeting time too long, too short, or just right? Count
Just right 19
Too long 2
Too short 0
Would you like to see SLUG sell shareware CDs? Count
Yes 18
No 2

Dues? Frequency \$Amount Count
===== ========= ======= =====
Yes Monthly $5 3
Yes Monthly blank 3
Yes Monthly $1 - $2 2
Yes Yearly blank 2
Yes Monthly $20 1
Yes Monthly $10 - $15 1
Yes Monthly $9.95 1
Yes Monthly $5 - $10 1
Yes Monthly $5 or less 1
Yes Monthly $4 1
Yes Monthly $3 1
Yes Monthly $3 - $5 1
Yes Monthly $2 1
Yes Monthly $1 1
Yes Yearly $25+ 1
Yes Yearly $20 1

Domain Name Meaning Count
syrlug.* Syracuse Linux User Group 11
cnylug.* Central NY Linux User Group 2
fuus.* Free Unix UserS 2
syrslug.* ? 1
syrug.* Syracuse User Group 1
syrling.* Syracuse Linux Group 1
cnyslug.* Central NY & Syr. Linux User Group 1
cnyug.* Central NY User Group 1
glugs.* GNU Linux User GroupS 1

Commercial Software you would like to see a product demo on?

   Netscape for Linux

   Corel Linux

   Finance, Money Management

   Star Office


   Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux

   Mandrake Linux

   Borland tools (when they become available)

Other Suggestions?

   Newsletter similar to CNYPCUG's

   Can we use the SLUG e-mail list to ask questions and to inform members of news?

   Local mail list or newsgroup for discussion of Linux issues

   Contact Linux users at Syr. Univ.

   A forum for technical questions -- a web message board

   Keep the website updated as much as possible

   Have Linux install parties

   Have Linux classes

   Co-sponsor Linux-related seminars w/ACM, Unix support group, etc.

   1-day language seminars

   Linux OS install and maintenance ops seminars

   Internet client/server programming seminars

   Seminars need not be free, can be taught by qualified non-trainer professionals