
approximately 27 in attendance

Surveys were give out to members by Mike, results will be tallied at
presented later

Apparently there was a problem w/some of the Star Office CDs (they were
the Windows version), this will be resolved.

Possible domain names, members were asked to put their preferences on
the survey form:


FUUS (Free Unix Users of Syracuse)

SLLUG (Syracuse Local Linux User's Group)

SALUG (Syracuse Area ...)

SCLUG (Syracuse Community ...

CNYLUG (Central NY ....)

SYRLUG (Syracuse ...)

OCLUG (Onondaga County ...) |

Incorporating the group as a non-profit is in progress - Mike W is
working on the bylaws, etc. - a copy will be posted online for review

Someone has volunteered use of a message board (online) |

Talk by Josh about Redhat 5.2 distribution - will be posted to web site

Talk by Don about Caldera distribution - NOTE: glibc may not be
up-to-date on Caldera

Mike W will be vice-coordinator of our user group (and has been working
on incorporation) - it was recommended that he look at the APCLUG bylaws
(and CNYPCUG also)

Possible Star Office demo next meeting

NEXT MEETING JANUARY 12, 2000 (delayed 1 week because of Y2K, etc.)

Discussion: possible concerns with using OCC multimedia equipment -
basically, we're not paying for meeting place and would need a support
person. Possible solution: invest in a VGA->TV converter and bring in a

Discussion: setting up a support network - ideas:


web site forum - will be discussed

in-person and/or by phone (email to Jym if interested)

set up a separate listserv

cheat sheet |

Discussion: how to promote group

Discussion: Possible installfest - when? (February?) -
people should register in advance

Discussion: donations of old hardware to club for demos,
etc. - we need to talk to area computer stores, etc.

we might want to talk/coordinate with other computer user groups (Linux
and not)

possible logo contest after pick domain/group name.

possible name tags, members brief introduction each meeting

Don will buy cheap plastic name tags

Meeting ended at 9:05 PM EST |