The first meeting was a general brainstorming of Linux issues that
various people would be interested in talking about. Some of these
issues included:
General Linux questions:
What is Linux?
How does it work?
What are the advantages over windows?
Why am I doing this? lol
What can I do on Linux?
What is the history of Linux?
Where is Linux going?
Where do companies stand on the Linux issue? |
What printers are Linux compatible?
How to configure printers
HP 710 series drivers
Scanning on linux |
What software is available?
What are substitutions for word, excell etc?
How do you play games on Linux?
What applications are available?
Where can I buy Linux Applications? |
Ideas on how to format meetings
reserve half an hour at the beginning of the meeting for a Q &
A session.
Set asside an hour for presentations or guest speakers.
The last half hour should be dedicated to applications.
form special interest groups.
Do SIGS want to meet during the meeting or on a seperate night? |
Web site
Patrick and Leonard have agreed to work on the website. Any
ideas would be appreciated. Some ideas included:
New members could sign up on the web page
Keep people's names off site(for security)
What's on the agenda for next meeting
People could communicate needs and wants through the web site |
Ideas for meeting topics
Experts among us could do presentations
Installation demonstrations
Free lessons on running and using Linux
Differences in window managers |
How to promote slug
booth at the Peter Trap show
TV--ComputerGuys and Point-n-Click |
Fund raisers
if we organize as a non profit group and have officers etc
then fund raising would be an issue. Ideas included:
Burn distributions and sell them. |